One approach is to utilize the Alpha Portfolios on Spotalpha. These portfolios are designed to outperform the benchmark NIFTY 50 index and are dynamically rebalanced based on rule-based algorithms. They are available as three portfolios: large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap.
Additionally, users can create their own portfolios on Spotalpha and leverage the Portfolio Optimiser tool. This tool provides optimization suggestions, helping users build efficient portfolios that maximize returns for their desired level of risk. It enhances portfolio selection and allocation efficiency, resulting in improved performance.
To avoid the need for market timing, Spotalpha provides rebalancing notifications via email to subscribers. Each Alpha Portfolio is typically rebalanced five to eight times an year. Portfolio Optimiser screens every portfolio saved by subscribers once a week and sends out a notification that says if the Portfolio is optimum or if it needs to be rebalanced.
This alerts subscribers to take action in a timely manner.
Useful Links:
Spotalpha India
How to Use Alpha Portfolios (YouTube)