On Spotalpha, users can utilize research products such as Alpha Portfolios, Alpha Ratings and Alpha Trends, which are rule-based portfolios designed to outperform the NIFTY 50 index.
Alpha portfolios are dynamically rebalanced and segmented into three: large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap. All of them provide better risk-return performance than passive investing in the index or mutual funds as shown in the following table.
Investors who prefer to buy and hold for longer durations can use the Alpha Ratings product. Alpha Ratings provides subscribers with ratings and ranks of all listed stocks. Our five star rated stocks consistently outperform the index on a buy-and-hold basis as can be seen from the following table.
Investors who want to be more aggressive and time stocks separately using futures and options strategies can consider using Alpha Trends. India Alpha trends screens the most liquid large and mid cap stocks to identify up to 5 bullish trend signals. These signals are available in two investing styles – Portfolio and Dynamic. The performance of these, measured without any leverage, can be see in the following table.
In addition, users can create their own portfolios on Spotalpha and leverage the Portfolio Optimizer tool. This tool provides optimization suggestions, helping users build efficient portfolios that generate higher returns based on their desired level of risk. By enhancing selection and allocation efficiency, the tool achieves superior performance for your portfolio. The following chart shows how an optimised portfolio of NIFTY 50 Index constituents outperforms the index.
Moreover, Spotalpha offers a convenient feature of periodic rebalancing notifications, for all it’s research and tools, sent via email to subscribers. This enables users to take timely actions without the need to worry about market timing strategies.
Useful Links:
Portfolio India Optimiser
How to Use Portfolio Optimiser (YouTube)