Spotalpha helps self-directed investors make safer and better investing decisions through the use of AI and quantitative finance. We employ the scale and unbiased qualities of AI to provide algorithm-based quantitative financial research that is more dependable and accessible.
Several platforms, such as the Bloomberg terminal, provide powerful tools and research that are used by professional fund managers. However, these are either not affordable or are difficult to learn to use by the individual investor. Spotalpha fills that gap by providing powerful and yet easy to use investment tools and research at an affordable price.
Spotalpha’s tools and research have been live for more than 5 years. Our track record provides investors a good understanding of how Spotalpha outperforms in the long-term and provides great risk-management during times of severe market turbulence such as during the Covid-19 pandemic.
And, here’s a comparison of how Spotalpha’s three Alpha Portfolios for India outperformed the NIFTY50 benchmark.

Useful Links:
Spotalpha India
How to Spotalpha (YouTube)