Top Gainers displays the top daily gainers across the market. This helps investors identify new breakout investment opportunities.
The tabular results of Top Gainers provide information such as the price at which the instrument was identified as a top gainer, the percentage change and change in the last traded price (LTP). If the result list is extensive, a search box is available to locate a specific symbol from the results.
For a more detailed analysis, users can click on a symbol to access a comprehensive alpha analysis report accompanied by a chart. This feature enables investors to gain further insights into the performance of the instrument, allowing them to make informed decisions based on the provided information.
Follow these easy steps to use Alpha Builder’s tool “Top gainers” to view the top daily gainers across the market:
1. On the home-page, click “Alpha Builder” or select sub-menu item “ALPHA BUILDER” under the “TOOLS” head of the “PRODUCTS” menu.
2. Scroll down the page and click on “Top gainers“.
3. The table displays by default the “Stock” symbols that were currently top gainers on the previous day. The rows in this table are sorted/arranged from maximum %change to minimum %change.
4. Click on the orange button “Indices” to view the indices that were currently top gainers on the previous day. The rows in this table are sorted/arranged from maximum %change to minimum %change.
5. Click on the orange button “Themes” to view the themes that were currently top gainers on the previous day. The rows in this table are sorted/arranged from maximum %change to minimum %change.
6. Click on any of the headings to sort/arrange the rows of the table on the basis of that heading either ascending or descending order.
7. Click on the text-box next to “Search:” and type the term to search in the table rows.
Useful Links:
Sector or Theme Top Gainers India
How to Use Alpha Builder (YouTube)