By screening the entire market on a monthly basis, alpha ratings help investors discover promising investments for long-term investing. Users can search for specific stock, stocks by market segment and stocks by rating. Ranking gives investors further insight within stocks of the same rating.
Ratings are provided on a scale of 1 to 5 star, with 5-star being the best/highest. And, Rankings are measured on a scale of 1 to 100, with Rank-1 being the best.
Follow some easy steps to efficiently use Alpha Ratings for specific symbol:
1. On the “Alpha Ratings” dashboard, click on orange button “Advanced search“.
2. Type the symbol that needs to be searched, in the text-box on the right of “Search by symbol :“.
3. On typing the symbol, all the matching symbols based on the typed string will be displayed for selection.
4. Select the symbol, and then click the orange button “Search” on the right bottom corner of the highlighted advance search grey area.
5. The Rank and Rating of the symbol will be displayed.
6. Users can click on the “Follow” button next to the stock symbol – this adds the stock to their Alpha Ratings watchlist.
7. In future, whenever users want to check Rank and Rating of stocks they are interested in, they can do so quickly by clicking on the “Load Watchlist” button.
Useful Links:
Alpha Ratings India
How to Use Alpha Ratings (YouTube)